When Words Don't Come Easy
When Words Don't Come Easy
Conquering Your Giants Through Resilience and Hope
Have you ever felt daunted by your dreams, as though they were towering over you like an unconquerable giant? Grab your slingshot and join me as I share my journey of tackling countless obstacles along the way to conquering the giants in the path of my dreams.
Like David facing Goliath, I recount my personal battles, including my struggle with ADD while writing a book, depression and sickness, and how I developed the courage to face these challenges head on.
Listen as I connect the dots between my journey and the biblical tale of David and Goliath, reminding you that you are not alone in your battles. This episode is all about resilience, hope, and the relentless pursuit of dreams – yours and mine.
So, come along, and let's face our Goliaths together. It's not just an episode; it's a call to action because believing in yourself is the first step towards conquering your giants.
If you are still interested in aiding the Family Legacy organization I talked about in my podcast, it's never too late! If you sponsor a child, I would love to send you a free, signed copy of my book.
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Volunteer: https://familylegacy.com/getinvolved/go-to-zambia/camp-life/
To receive your free book after sponsorship, or to receive more information about Family Legacy, please email me at: info@andyhoward.com
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Buy the book on Amazon: www.amazon.com/When-Words-Dont-Come-Easy/dp/1955362084
Listen to the first chapter: soundcloud.com/andy-howard-788712319
Learn more at AndyHoward.com!
Hey, what's up my friends? Hey, before we get started on today's episode, I do want to chime in here one more time. We've been doing this the last couple weeks, so you know it's coming, but I had the honor to Go to Zambia. Zambia is a country in Africa and I saw some of the coolest, most amazing kids who grabbed my heart, and my goal is to find a hundred Kids to get sponsored. They need a hundred sponsors. This will help them go to school. This will help them get to eat. Many kids will not eat at all If they don't get to go to the school. That that feeds the kids. It teaches them about. Jesus Provides everything they need. So cool. So if you'd like more info on that, please email me at info at Andy Howard Dot-com. I would love to have you partner with me. Help these kiddos. I'm telling you, I've seen them first and Some of the best kids that you were ever running to anywhere. Just the sweetest of kids. They really are just a Total.
Speaker 1:If I didn't know what to expect when I went there, I guess I expected to walk into Kind of a depressed war zone, kind of this just depression Hanging on everyone, and it was the complete opposite, they were full of joy, they were just so happy. It was one of those things where they did not know what they didn't have and they didn't care. But yet some of these needs they can't live without, like food, like running water meaning of them don't even have running water at their homes, but they would have that at school. So Please, if God lays them on your heart, please get asked for more info. At least find out what you're Committing or not committing to Info at Andy Howardcom. I'd love to share that with you.
Speaker 1:On today's podcast, today's episode, we're gonna talk about collie and in this little kid named David, and and how that, how that affects you. Well, I want to talk about dreams for a little bit. Maybe you've had some dreams in your life that you forgot about. Stick to the very end, because not only am I gonna pray for you, but I want to give you some, some real advice on how to pursue those dreams. All that more happens right after this. You're welcome to the winwords don't come easy. Podcast. My name is Andy Howard and I am so excited you're here. I mean that that means. That means a couple of things. One you stumbled on this podcast by absolute accident, but God had a plan for you to be here, or Somebody loved you enough to invite you to this podcast, or maybe they sent you this episode Because they cared enough about you, and so, either way, that's two pretty cool reasons you're here so, so excited you are here.
Speaker 1:This podcast is a podcast about about hope. Really, if I could sum it up in one word, it's about hope it's. It's a podcast that that I do not Don't make any money off of it, believe it or not, make no money off of it. I do it simply because I care about people and and in my life's been changed and I hope if I can change one life for the better, the way mine was impacted or touched, then it's worth it. But I wrote a book called when words don't come easy.
Speaker 1:It's almost been out a full year, you guys. Isn't that crazy how fast time flies. In fact, this podcast started same time, in September of last year, so it's almost a full year. We're fastly approaching it, and I'm so excited to just tell you one that I have a book that I did. I Did complete it. I had a goal and I completed it, and I thought today I we would just reminisce a little bit about some of that, because I want to talk about Goliath and I want to talk about some giants that may be standing in between you and your destiny and what God has called you to do. And I believe with all my heart that you were created for a reason. You were created with a purpose and that's what we're gonna dive into today.
Speaker 1:A lot of this will come from a Chapter six in the book called bring on Goliath. It's one of my favorite chapters. They're kind of like kind of like your babies. If you've ever written a book, it's hard to pick your favorite chapter because they're all special to you. It really and I mean that in the most flattering way I poured my heart and my soul and everything I had into this book and and with with so many obstacles that I contend with on I'm sorry Siri excuse me as she tells me the time I'm With so many obstacles I contend with, including ADD, and I am self-diagnosed, but I've had enough people confirm it for me. That is true. I get distracted easily With so many obstacles I do contend with.
Speaker 1:If I can do this, if I can press through, if I can write a book, then you can do whatever you're called to do, and I mean that and God has a calling on your life. God has a Sense of purpose on your life. You're not a mistake. Have you ever felt that way? Just being honest, I felt like like life was like this giant roller coaster and I never measured up.
Speaker 1:Man, I was never tall enough to ride the ride, if that makes sense to you, if you've ever been that guy now and those who know me, I'm I'm like seven two, not really six three is I'm really six foot three. So most people will laugh and say you've always been tall enough to ride the ride, which is true. But even for my girls, like we have twins and I I remember so bad. Now, parker is just like her mama. She looks just like her mama, but she and she acts just like her mama. As far as like daredevil type stuff, I would say she's sweet like her daddy, but Presley, on the other hand, it's tall like her daddy, looks just like me, but she's got her mama's attitude, which is special. Now, remember press, if you're listening to this, I married your mama because I love her, so I watch it. But here's the irony of those two, right, so press was always a little bit taller and when we would go to Disney, parker would want to ride everything. She would want to ride everything, but some of the rides she wasn't tall enough for yet and Presley, on the other hand, was tall enough where she could ride anything she wanted, yet only thing she really wanted to ride was like it's a small world and stuff like that, but you don't even have to be tall enough for, and it drove Parker nuts.
Speaker 1:So, anyways, I say all that to say man, life, life can be like that. It can feel like there's one obstacle after another in front of you, like I could just don't measure up so to where you're supposed to be to do whatever it is you want to do, like you have this. Let me go ahead and stop you right now, whatever you're thinking right now, and just pour some life into you. You have these thoughts right. You have these dreams for a reason. God place them there Not by accident, because he cares for you and he loves you. He loves your desires of your heart and he cares for the people that these desires are going to affect. It's not about you. And the best, the best advice I ever got, dear friend of mine, jm, I'll just put it that way, off your shares initials. Those who know JM love JM. He gave me some advice one time.
Speaker 1:I was getting ready to go speak In South Africa, in Cape Town, south Africa. Very, very big deal for me. I was honored to get invited To go. Many of you know Pat Shattsline. He's been on on the program here before, dear friend of mine, big deal. He's been in ministry for like I don't know 25 plus years, travels the world and he was even a vital part in Me bouncing back from my depression. His book I've shared it. I shared almost every time I get to speak the story of how we even came to know each other.
Speaker 1:It's just wild, but I was invited to go to South Cape, cape Town, south Africa, to speak with him at a church and I did not want to screw it up. I thought so highly of myself that I could go in there, me by myself and single-handedly pull down 25 plus years of ministry with one service. Have you ever been there? Have you ever felt that way? But I'm serious, I was paralyzed. I have spoke. I don't know how many times. I was gonna say thousands of times. That may not be accurate, but hundreds of times I've spoke, did 20 years of ministry.
Speaker 1:We would speak every week and then I've Done the podcast. I I've traveled a lot but for some reason I could not Get out of my own way to get this, the sermon, together. Man, I was so paralyzed by fear and I was talking to my buddy, jm. I'll never forget that Alabama, love Alabama, is very similar to Texas, but Alabama accent he's like bro, bro, it's not about you, not about you anyways. So that takes all the pressure off right, and that's when it hit me like a ton of bricks, man, it's not about me, it's about the people. So, whatever God's laid on your heart, that that you have been supposed to do, for I don't care if you're 90 Years old, uh, maybe you're 50 years old, dude, I just released a book at 44 years old. Maybe many people would have said you are you, mr Calling, you're a little late. You're a little late to the party, howard. But but I did. I followed my dream and I went for it. You have a 20 minute service, thanks, ya, anything is possible.
Speaker 1:I want to share with you this little nugget right here. So for those watching this on YouTube or maybe you caught some of the advertisements, the snippets on my Instagram page or wherever. This right here is an actual rock. This, in fact, we have not confirmed or denied yet. This could be the actual rock that took out Goliath the Valley of Ela. If I'm saying that, right, e-l-a-h, I never I don't want to ever pretend to be the smartest guy in the room, so I may have just eliminated all doubts right there, but this could be the actual rock. We're not sure. There's no confirmation or denial that it is or it isn't, but I did find this rock in the Valley of E-L-A-H and I'm just going to stick with that. If I'm wrong, just email me at info at AndyHowardcom. Somebody would gladly read it and let me know that I was wrong. So send all the correct pronunciations there. But this rock was found in that valley and it's just significant for me. I keep it here on my desk Anytime for those listening at home and you're not watching. Solid baby, this is solid. So anytime, anytime I get in my own way, I just like to pick it up and hold it and just remember David dude.
Speaker 1:David was a beast, he's a beast. Let me tell you why. He's a beast. Again, not the smartest guy in the room. But by all accounts, we know David was a boy when he was like maybe many say he might have been 17. Might have been younger than that, but he was a boy finding a man, finding not just a man, but a giant, freaking giant, nine foot six man. I could go in and find all the details, but he was like nine six and I think his armor alone weighed like 500 pounds. 500 pounds, bro. That was worthy of a bro, big dude, big guy. And he came out for like 40 days straight saying fee five, full full. I'm not sure if that's accurate or not, but he came out challenging these people, these Christians, right, these godly men. Forgive me, so let me back up. My ADD is so distracted here. So David obviously was Jewish. This is before Christ had even come, before he'd come as a man, as the Son of God. So please forgive me, but here's David in fighting for Israel, fighting for these people.
Speaker 1:David shows up. He's the first. He's the first Uber mentioned in the Bible. It's my understanding there may have been more, but he showed up just to deliver the food for his brothers, like his dad's, like here. Take this food to your brothers. So this is your first Uber eats or your first door dash guy, david, again young boy.
Speaker 1:He shows up and Goliath is here saying you know, give me a man that we can fight. He just liked fighting. Right, when you're big and you're a bully, you just like to fight. You ever know one of those big police that just likes, let's just fight. That's what Goliath is doing when he's nine, six, and he always like I don't know how many thousands of pounds, I don't know. He's a big boy, right, big boy. He's ready to fight. He's the only thing standing in their way. And he must have been big because David's brother. So David had what was it? Seven brothers. Right, david was number eight. I believe I could go check this, but anyways, he's either number seven or number eight. He's getting from a long line of brothers. They were all fighters, they all knew how to fight. I mean all of them. Many of those men had fought, many of ours.
Speaker 1:But yet this dude is is is stopped, everybody in their tracks for 40 days. 40 days, nobody will move because Goliath is holding court. He's standing there saying come on, let's fight, let's go. And David shows up. It's like one. I think he's caught off guard because he shows up right when, when Goliath is starting his spill and he is like, oh man, oh, he does not know who he's messing with.
Speaker 1:And in all these guys I want to say is that one of my brothers, who's going to jump up first, who's going to be the first to take out this giant? Because he does not know the God he is calling on and the God of Israel, the God of our people, he's going to take this sucker out. He is waiting for someone to step up and then, all of a sudden, he starts getting a little ticked off because he's like wait a second, nobody's moving, nobody's moving, I'll take on this chump. And his brothers are like ticked off at him. They're like shut up, dude, you're just the run, you're the baby, you're the small town kid. You're supposed to be watching the sheep. What are you doing here?
Speaker 1:And then David is ready to just pounce us, dude, and King Saul, who was a mighty man himself and had wiped out many armies and nations under his leadership and guidance, still was doing nothing. And David's like I will take out this chump. Who comes after and speaks like this to our God, why is no one standing up for themselves? Why is no one defending our God. And King Saul is like yo, ok, ok, I love your passion. We have no one else standing up, I'll let you fight him, but only if only, if you at least wear my armor Right. And so here's David getting suited up in King Saul's armor.
Speaker 1:It's like have you ever, even as a kid, like put on either your big brother's clothes because you wanted to look like them or your parents' clothes because you honored them so much and you just wanted to wear it and you're not quite big enough to fill it out? That's what I envision. I remember one time the twins came running into me in Tiff's room and they both one of them dressed up like me and one dressed up like Tiff for this play they were doing and of course, our clothes were like burying them. It's like one of the cutest pictures ever. I still have it. That's what it looked like. Here's David he's like I can't wear this.
Speaker 1:This is unproved, it's untested. What he knew is he had taken out a bear before, because he was just the shepherd boy, right, but he had taken out a bear. He also had taken out a lion trying to get his sheep Again, just a shepherd boy, but he had taken out a lion. He was tested, he was proven. So this giant would be nothing. All he needed was one of these. And again, if you're watching I mean, if you're not watching it's the rock. He only needed five. Why did he need five? Well, we find out later that Goliath had four brothers, so he went ahead and grabbed five, just in case. It's not that he thought he was going to miss, because as soon as he grabbed it, he took off. Bam released the sling rock, hit the dude right upside them, mug this is the Andy Howard version and Goliath fell. He was dead, just like that.
Speaker 1:What challenge for you today, man. What's holding you back? What's holding you back? What is it that's keeping you from living in your full destiny? You know what it is right now. You've had a dream and, yes, I'm speaking to you right now. You've had a dream your whole life. It's a dream that only God can place, and he placed it there. And for whatever reason, you have let Goliath mock you, and I'm here to say enough, enough. You've had all these fears come over you, that what if I? I don't have the finances to step out and do this? What if I don't know what to? I don't know, say you don't have. Maybe you don't feel talented enough, or you don't feel like you have the people surrounding you, the right people in your life, to help you with whatever you need to fulfill the dream. You have a dream that's been placed inside of you, and one of my favorite quotes and I've heard it all my life is God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the card. And if God called you to do it, then get ready. It's time to do it. So my, my challenge for you today let's go ahead and go find you a rock. It wasn't the rock. We all know that Rocks great.
Speaker 1:The slang is awesome. David, that dude, it's hard. You'd be hard pressed to find another man more important in the Bible. The Bible describes David as a man at your God's own heart. Right, that's pretty awesome. I want David who's God. God can do anything with anyone who's available to be used. We can. All you have to do is say here I am.
Speaker 1:I love the quote by a reformist, martin Luther. It says in the beginning God made something out of nothing, so as long as I remain nothing, he will make me something. I'm paraphrasing it's been a long time, so I used to quote that all the time before Google was around. So for all you checking Google right now, please forgive me if I missed it a few words, but you get the point. And God wants to use you so much. What's holding you back? What's keeping you from doing what you were called to do? If it's just money, dude, my God is rich in finances. He owns it all. He can take care of money. Money is just a thing. Money is just a thing. So don't let money keep you from doing it.
Speaker 1:Obviously, you have to be wise, but start planning the dreams. I'm telling you, if God put a dream in your heart, he's going to be faithful to see it done. So I want you to start planning on what you need. How do you know how much you need if you hadn't even looked it up, right, if you hadn't even looked? Whatever it is for the stream to happen, I want you to start planning it. I want you to start trying to find how much it's going to cost to get this done. What are you going to need? Are you going to need people to work for you? How much would their salary be? You need to know how much you need before you can start praying for it Before you can start asking God. Okay, god, here it is. I've done my part, this is what I need for it to happen.
Speaker 1:So start planning it, start, uh, start really really putting all of it together. What would it take? How many hours a week would it take? Do you have that kind of time available? Like you know, if you're working a full-time job already and being wise, it may not be wise to just quit a job and chase a dream, yet Every guy will work it out to be full-time one day. But how much time do you have available to put towards that dream? What sacrifices are you willing to make towards the dream? See, many times with the dream takes a lot of sacrifices you have to be willing to do without for for a season, for a while, sometimes for a long time.
Speaker 1:But I know this. I know God has always been faithful to provide every single need, every single need. He's been beyond faithful, and I know this as well. The things that, uh, things that almost killed me, are the very things God is using to sustain me. It really is a modern miracle when you think about it. How, at 345 pounds at one time in my life and my wife was 317 pounds how God would use us to start this crazy, wild journey where thousands and thousands of people would get their health in order. It's amazing. It's amazing the thing that almost killed me, man.
Speaker 1:I was so sick. We have no idea how sick I was High blood pressure, high cholesterol, all the things and I went and had a sleep study done to find out if I had sleep apnea and they stopped me like two hours in. It's a problem. You got to get out of here. You're by far our sickest patient. We're scared you're going to die on us. In other words, we don't have the equipment here to keep you alive. You got to go home. They sent me home with an emergency buy-up To take this with you start tonight. You know the old gosh. It sounded like Darth Vader mask. It was the worst. I was sick man, yet God used that to help me lead people. Man, my finances we were broke. We were so broke you don't. You won't even believe me if I told you how broke we were.
Speaker 1:God is using us to minister to people, to bless people with their finances and finance many things. He's turned our life around. So many things, man, so many things. With my mental health. There was a time where I didn't want to live anymore. I wish the 10 years ago guy could see where I'm at today. I wish so badly the 10 years ago Andy Howard could see me today, and maybe he did. Maybe God saw it and I just didn't. No ideal, this life that's ahead for me. It's the same for you. Again, I'm speaking right to you. Yes, you, god loves you. He's got you right where he wanted you. He cares for you, not only you, but he cares for all the people that your dream is going to affect. Once you get past your life, once you get on the other side of that sucker huh, it's all like donkey come. So, anyways, I hope this has made somewhat of sense to you. I do want to say a small prayer before we leave today, because I just felt led to, and Then I'll come back with it With some closing thoughts. But, lord, I love these people so much I do. I love everyone who takes Hmm, he was taking time to to hear me rant, father and I prayed.
Speaker 1:Some of this has made sense today Because, god, I remember when it was like when you're getting mocked, when you're getting made fun of many times by by my own voice inside my head and nobody will read a book if you wrote it. Who's gonna? Who's gonna listen to a podcast if you do it? Nobody will show up if you're speaking here or there, it was just all just a big mockery. And, father, I remember, I Remember JM Was a word. So well, father, it's not about you, bro, it's not about you that has helped me so much.
Speaker 1:And, father, I asked in the same manner that you will help my friends today, whatever they're facing, whatever challenges they're facing. If it's financial, god provide the finances. If it's if people to help them with the dream. If it's a building, whatever the need is Transportation, god you provide it. Whatever the need is, it's just a need, and you're the God of Miracles, you're the king of kings. You're not scared by finances. You own everything. You can take care of anything.
Speaker 1:So I ask right now that you just Stir up that dream in their heart. Maybe this dream has been dusted up in their heart for over 20 years. It's time to blow the dust off this sucker and get them chasing after this dream for your glory. I thank you for it. In Jesus name, we pray amen. Thank you, guys. Wow, I hope you enjoyed that man. That was straight from the heart and it's true.
Speaker 1:And the only thing keeping you from your dreams right now is you. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe you are. Maybe you're the Goliath in your way. Next time you see that big sucker make eye contact with him, maybe it's your face on the Goliath. You're the one, you're the only one keeping you from doing whatever you've been called to do. It's you. So my challenge for you is to dust off those dreams. Strap up your boots. If it takes hard work, then let's do some hard work. Let's get after those dreams. Let's get after it. Let's let's get started Doing. Who are the people who lose If you do not do what you were called to do? Think about those people and let's get after it.
Speaker 1:I thank you guys so much for being a part of this. If this is your first time again Joining the when words don't come easy podcast, man, it's an honor having you here. Hope it won't be your last. This, this is a podcast about hope. Most times, I interview somebody who's here to project some hope and to share how God is using their stories to inspire others. But this week I flew solo and it's so glad. I'm so glad you're here. This has been a blessing to you. Will you please share this podcast episode with somebody? Maybe God laid someone on your heart as I was talking about dreams today and we share this podcast with them and just telling me love them and for some reason, you felt led to share this episode with them. I'm so honored to get to be on this journey with you and I hope you'll come back again. I hope you'll come back if you haven't got the book yet and you, in something I said, intrigued you about today's podcast.
Speaker 1:This, this a lot of the story comes from chapter 6 bring on Goliath but it's in the book when words don't come easy. That came out last September and Now you can get it at Andy Howard calm. Now you can get on Amazon. It's even on audible, where I will read it for you, so no more excuses there. Or you can get it on Kendo as well. I pray it's been a blessing. Please, if you will. Here's my big ask for you if you would go, give me five stars on wherever you're listening to this podcast. A Five-star review would help me so much. It's gonna help more listeners. I hear about the podcast and more people find the podcast, which in turn means more people will find hope. So thank you for that. It's an honor being here with you. Love you so much, god bless. Thanks so much for tuning in. If this episode helped you in any way, it would mean the world to me if you would leave a review and share it with somebody else. Thanks so much. I'll catch you next time.