When Words Don't Come Easy

Experiencing the Holy Land: A Journey of Faith, Unity, and Transformation in Israel

Andy Howard

Ever wondered what it's like to walk where Jesus walked or to personally witness how faith can unite people from different cultures? Prepare to have your curiosity sated and your faith renewed as we take you on a journey through our life-changing trip to Israel.

Today I'm joined by my friends, Annie and Trevor Balman, who embarked on this journey with us in Israel.  We went on an adventure, exploring tunnels under the city of David, witnessing fervent worshippers from Africa and Asia, and experiencing God's presence in profound and unique ways.

Later in the episode, I'm also joined by my dear friends Mat and Stephanie Frentress! This amazing couple shares their transformative experiences from this trip and a major highlight is Mat's triumphant battle with anxiety, teaching us all a lesson in courage and faith. 

On this life-changing trip, we crossed the Sea of Galilee, visited synagogues and walked the same paths Jesus did. Feeling the power and impact of these experiences was truly life changing.  We also had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the unity God is fostering between the Jewish people and Christians, and how we can partake in this divine purpose.

From the city of Capernaum, where miracles unfolded, to the realization of how God's story has traveled over 2000 years and many miles to unite us, this journey was not only about the physical terrain covered but also the spiritual depths explored.  

Join me and my wonderful friends as we reflect on our trials, expectations, and the humor that peppered our journey and discover how you too can embrace the transformative power of faith and unity.

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Buy the book on Amazon: www.amazon.com/When-Words-Dont-Come-Easy/dp/1955362084
Listen to the first chapter: soundcloud.com/andy-howard-788712319
Learn more at AndyHoward.com!

Speaker 1:

Hey, what's up everybody? Today we are going to reminisce a little bit about our trip to Israel. Have a few of my dear friends that were able to go with me. You're going to see a lot of cool things of how God was speaking to us through that beautiful area I pray that you will just receive a blessing from this conversation and how the same God from some 2000 plus years is still revealing himself through the things left behind in history there. It's just a powerful, powerful conversation with some very dear friends of ours. So just grab you a cup of coffee or whatever your favorite drink is and just sit back and reminisce with us as we talk about all things Israel and even, maybe even, our alliance. You'll have to stick around to find out what that is. All that more happening right after this.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the when words don't come easy podcast. I am your host, andy Howard, and today is going to be fun, you guys, it's going to be so much fun. The last three weeks have just been life changing for me and my family. We got to go just experience Israel. It was so special. And then the last week we just got back from Lusaka, which is in Zambia, which is also in Africa, if you don't know all that, and I had the best time working at just this amazing camp and with some amazing kiddos, and they just touched my heart. But we're going to recap on a lot of this And in fact, today we're talking mainly on the Israel stuff, but over the next few weeks we will touch on all of this. So, with that said, though, i have some very dear friends of mine who went with us. This is Annie and Trevor ballman. Please welcome them to the podcast. What's up you guys?

Speaker 2:

Hey, we're excited to be here, buddy.

Speaker 1:

This is going to be fun And I am so glad, annie, i am so glad you let Trevor come on with you. They just really touched it To see this dude. What's up, trevor?

Speaker 2:

I tried to hold him back, but he was so excited about Israel He wanted to come in.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, Well, i got to stage with Annie as a privilege, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Dude, i know the feeling because me and you were kind of cut from the same cloth, trevor. And Tiffany is a powerhouse as well, just like Annie, and sometimes with me and you just being the eye candy and we can get lost in the background. I get that, bro, but I'm so glad you're here. We had so much fun together. Let's start off with just some fun. I remember, and I don't know exactly where, in fact, i couldn't even tell you, because this is what was so special about this trip. Right, we saw some amazing things, but most of all, we had just the best group And what I love about friends, and really good friends, who get you and understand you is.

Speaker 1:

You can be silly and have fun and still learn a lot and still be touched by the Lord, and all that too. But at the same time, there was some funny moments, and so, just to bring the rest of our group I don't even know that they're aware of this, you guys, i don't know why I'm whispering either. I feel like I'm telling a secret but the rest of the group was not aware of what went down. At one point during the trip, during the tour, we had an alliance form, and so we were underground in some form of a tunnel, and I'll let you take it from there, amy. So what happened at that point?

Speaker 2:

It's so true And it's so good, because I want to tell you about this experience. Which was amazing is that I learned so many things and I felt like I got closer to Christ. I know that we felt closer to God, but we also had a blast And I laughed nonstop. We were under the city of David, correct? Yeah?

Speaker 3:

We were under the city of David, back in the streets that the Romans built.

Speaker 2:

See, he was paying attention to all that.

Speaker 1:

This was awesome about having Trevor is he kept us online and when we forgot something he knew. Thank you, trevor.

Speaker 2:

So yes, so yeah, we were under the city of David and I made a joke to one of the alliance partners. Okay, i made a joke that I'm like wow, you know, this is beautiful, this is amazing. But they talk about earthquakes that hit this area every once in a while And I'm like, if earthquake comes right now, we are toast. We are toast. And Matt says something like well, i'm not really worried about the you know it kind of caving in, this is built pretty well. I'm worried about losing oxygen, and so I'm like okay, well, if we're going to lose oxygen, we can't have this many people down here, so you might have to start getting rid of folks. So we need to create the line.

Speaker 1:

So this is where I come in. So, amy, you come to me out of the goodness of your heart. I don't know why you were so sweet about it, but you're, you're, you're looking around and saying listen, here's the deal. And we talked it over. We looked at the numbers, we saw the room size. We had 12 in our group or 13, 13 in our group, i think, counting, counting Ellie, ellie off. So our guide, anyways, we're like that's way too many people. So, just like on any smart person or survivor series would have been, we started having to check people off. So you said you generous, so generously invited Tiff and I into the alliance.

Speaker 2:

And you guys are the ones that invite us to Israel. I felt like but this is good leadership, Okay.

Speaker 1:

This is great.

Speaker 2:

You know, as Trevor's like learning about God and like really like understanding the deep meaning behind all of this. I'm thinking this is good leadership. We just started making some decisions now, just in case something goes ahead.

Speaker 1:

Always think ahead, so you invite me in on the situation, and what you didn't realize, though, is I soon turned and say well, now that me and Tiff are in, i think we got to get rid of. The French is, and I don't know if you saw that coming. Did you see that coming?

Speaker 2:

I didn't see that coming, but I'm like, whatever I need to do to make sure I stabilize my position, I'm willing to do it.

Speaker 1:

So seriously, it's all fun and games. Everybody survived and we're all good. I guess we'll never know, cause we were not put to the test, to what we would have done, but it was good. Friends like you Yes.

Speaker 2:

You and the team were, no matter what, right.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what they're going to say later, but we know what the real alliance is here The French is, are coming on right after you guys, so they will get the last word, but for now, you guys are back in the alliance. I just want that out there. Actually, you never left. So but on a serious note, and I hope that no one's already jumped ship after the first five minutes of this podcast. But on a serious note, i would just love to hear from both of you What was your favorite? just your favorite thing we saw over the course of that 10 days there in Israel.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, beginning of the trip, we were kind of in the outlying areas around Jerusalem and we were in the city of Capernaum and that's the, the temple that Jesus stood in and read Isaiah and said today, this has been fulfilled. In your hearing, we actually stood in that temple. Now, that temple had has been the one we stood in was one layer above that because somebody came in and built over it, but it was the actual temple where Jesus said that And we're just an awe thinking Jesus stood right there. He told the world that he was fulfilling scripture right there. That's when he and that was in the city of Capernaum And it was right by the Sea of Galilee.

Speaker 3:

I mean, it was probably, you know, a two minute walk from the, from that building, to the Sea of Galilee, where all the things happened in the sea, where he walked on water, where they caught the fish And in the sea. You could see the other side of it from where we were. So it wasn't, it was big, but it wasn't so big that you know it was like an ocean where you couldn't see across. So, wow, that was one of the most amazing. It was all amazing, but that really stood out in my mind.

Speaker 3:

So good, we did go out in a boat on the Sea of Galilee and we all wanted to jump into the water and try it for ourselves to see if we could walk on water. The boat did have a sign that says don't jump in the water. Don't jump in the water.

Speaker 1:

So somebody has tried that before is why that sign is there.

Speaker 3:

I'm pretty sure a lot of people have tried that.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, Yeah And thank you, thank you for sharing that. And it does. it makes a gosh. you look around that whole area like you saw Peter's home, and you saw, and it doesn't say exactly where, but you're, you're, you're looking at, wow. this is where Jesus probably had the conversations with Peter and Andrew saying, hey, i dropped your nets, why don't you come follow me and I'll make you a fish in him? And I mean, all this stuff is right there And it is, i don't know. it just does something for your faith. seeing it, seeing all the places and even walking into it, you see the sign that says the town where Jesus lived. I mean it's like, oh, my gosh, it's so cool. How about you, annie? What was? is there a favorite moment for you?

Speaker 2:

I feel like it was all so good And we didn't talk about this before the podcast because I just want him to go in freedom and he wants me to be in freedom and share. But the two things that he brought up were the exact two things that I was going to break up, but I'll just share with you like the meaning behind it. Like one of my favorite things about Capernaum is that temple that you were talking about, that synagogue. You know we were able to be, you know nearby, and all of a sudden you just kind of hear this, this music of people singing, and I kind of ventured away from the group because I kind of tend to do that. But anyway, i ventured in the group and I go in there and I got to meet some of them and there was this group from Africa and they were worshiping God and just like just worshiping and somewhere on their knees and they were emotional And some of them were just shaking, just with the presence of God and just being in that place. And then, it wasn't much longer after they left, i heard another group going in there and singing.

Speaker 2:

I go back over and there's a group from Asia and I got to kind of talk with one of them a little bit, but they were worshiping and they were claiming the good news And I'm like it doesn't matter where you're from. This is what's going to hit me now. It's like, you know, we're from Texas, one group was from Africa, one group was from Asia, and they're all worshiping the same God and they're in that presence and then they're in that place and it can't help but touch you And I'm, like you know, we're all one, really like we're all just one in Christ and they're my brothers and sisters, even though they're from a different continent. And like, talking about the sea of Galilee, that was one of my favorite things too, just being on a boat and just thinking about, okay, this is where Jesus walked on water, not only to walk on water, but he walked above the storm, the storm that was raging all around He had no fear about, he had no concern about, and he was just walking above that storm.

Speaker 2:

And ever since then, I keep thinking about, okay, like, even like how personally that can be, the storms of our own lives, their own pain and the own hardship, like you guys have had, you know, with the kiddo that has special needs. That's what the kiddo has special needs, or a kid that might struggle with anxiety, or even in my own life, hard things that have come against me recently, hard things that you've been struggling with. It's like I will never forget being on that boat and being on that water and knowing that my savior was right there, walking above the storm, and how it just continues to remind me and reminds us that it is beneath us and that we have authority in him, and it just it all comes to life. When you're there, it is all comes to life.

Speaker 1:

It's so good taking it full circle. We are all in his alliance, right We?

Speaker 4:

have Jesus.

Speaker 1:

We have Jesus. So no matter what's wild is from our group, i think. looking back, i think it was 15 total. It's been a minute and I'm still very jet lagged. We just got him. But I would say of that group, every single person had some form of trial that came towards them in some way or another. I know you were suffering from vertigo and just many times just had to sit back for a minute to, I guess, get your balance or get everything under control. I do feel like with all my heart that the enemy was attacking us. He did not want us to receive what we received. It was just a special, such a special trip. And so, looking back, for both of you this question is for both of you looking back on the way, like what was your viewpoint going before we went? Like what did you think was going to happen or what were you expecting to have happen? And then, after it was done, did it change? Did it meet your expectations? Was it even above your expectations? What was your takeaway once the trip was over?

Speaker 3:

I didn't really know what to expect. I mean, i've heard people going to Israel for many years and that they loved it, and I think one of the things I was looking forward to was the Dead Sea, because I've heard a lot of people talk about that floating in it without sinking. Kind of interesting how that. You know, peter walked on, water didn't sink.

Speaker 3:

But in the Dead Sea you can go, you can't stand on the water, but you can sit in the water and not sink, so I was looking forward to that And that was fun.

Speaker 3:

But from a spiritual standpoint, there are so many things that I can visualize now because I've been there, been to walk the streets of Jerusalem, been to a lot of the famous places where things are believed to have happened. You know picture Jesus carrying the cross down the Via Del Rosa. So when I read, just reading some scriptures since we've been back, things are different And they're I see I have a different visual of what happened, and then just so many other things that other scriptures from the Old Testament are coming alive. You know from David's time. I love the story of David and Solomon And we visited a place where Solomon had a storage house that was like a stronghold above the Valley of Armageddon.

Speaker 3:

Yes, And just picturing. okay, the horses were here and this and that. So it was really exciting, and so I'm looking forward to my faith changing and growing way because of going there and also with people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I feel like we didn't really know what to expect, though, too, because we talked about it a couple of times and Anita said on a Zoom, this is not going to be a vacation. I'm like, wait a minute, because you know like I want to experience, you know, israel, but I want to do it like an air conditioned pod with some like decorative pillows and such. But I really do. But I do want to like get to know God and I want to know where he was and all those things. But I feel like we didn't really know what to expect a lot, but then, when we got there, we're like wow, and it just came. I think too.

Speaker 2:

I think so much of it is my heart for Israel, like I've always had a heart for Israel, i've always had a heart for the Jewish people and for people of faith in general and all of it, but like it reminds me to pray for that place And how can we align with God in new ways And how can we share Christ with everyone? And I don't know. I guess I didn't know what to expect, but once I was there, there was so much to take in. I'm like, how do I even take this in? How do you even take in the fact that you're? you know you're underneath where the Holy of Holies was.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And you're standing at the Western Wall And even in that picture I think back to the Western Wall. I'm like, god, thank you so much. Thank you so much that, like I honor them and their belief that way. But it's like thank you, god so much that we can be in your presence all the time, like even if you're underneath the Holy of Holies again, you get to experience God's presence all the time. But I feel like we just want to go back now. We want to encourage and, honestly, we probably would not have gone if it wasn't for your encouragement and other friends who have been there and they're like.

Speaker 2:

You need to experience that. And we just believe them, and I think we just want to say to everyone like, if you can make it possible, you will want to experience this, because it can't help but touch you in ways that I don't think anyone can really put into words.

Speaker 1:

It is. It's hard to put into words And even I feel like I and I'm 44, I read the Bible my whole life. I mean it's as far back as I can remember. But after so it was six months ago I went for the first time, just on accident that I got invited with a group at the last minute because of a cancellation And from that point on I mean it just wrecked me.

Speaker 1:

It's just so much of it was just for me. I just seeing it brought everything into order, Like you could see, like you mentioned the Sea of Galilee and all the little communities around the Sea of Galilee, So you could see so much how Jesus' ministry worked, Like he was here and then he'd go across to the other side. You'd see, Mary Magdalene was from this area and Peter and Andrew from here and then others throughout. So it was just so cool seeing how, for the most parts, was all within walking distance of all the, even the sermon on the mountain and the Beatitudes sermon there, All those things so close. And then Jerusalem was the only part that was a little bit of.

Speaker 2:

You know would have been somewhat travel for him A little bit of a way And they shot us when we walked, like from the city. Yeah, we're like, that's where Jesus walked that valley. Right there He could split the mountains and make sense, just walking right through it.

Speaker 1:

So it was so cool all of it, but just, it just brought for me, being a visual person, it just brought everything into order for me and it's changed, like you said, the way I read the word now. So, yeah, i would highly recommend it for anyone. If you get a chance, if you get a chance to do it in closing. for this part, do you guys have anything just on your heart that you would love to share in closing?

Speaker 3:

I was just thinking how we went to the wailing wall and I was standing there and, just like the, i know the Holy Spirit's with me wherever I go. I don't have to go there to feel him and to pray, but the passion and the prayer of all the Jewish people. They're just like when they pray, they get their body involved and they speak very loudly, like they pray louder and maybe more passionately than I do. When I'm at home and one of the Jewish rabbis came over to me and said, are you Jewish? And I said no, i'm sorry. And he said, well, i was gonna. I have a blessing for you if you're Jewish. And I said, well, thank you. And then he kind of was walking away and I said God bless you too.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I just felt like there's a place where we can bless each other and that God's bringing the Jewish people and Christians together And it's for his greater purpose that we can live in peace together. There's so much history between Christians and Jews that where they don't like us or they're suspicious of Christians, and so I think God's changing that and making that different, and for his own purposes And for the kingdom of God.

Speaker 2:

And many of them are open. But there's small groups where there's just, you know, tension and different things. But, yeah, to be able to love them and bless them, that is so good. And I feel like if the only thing that's on my heart right now is an encouragement and even as we're talking about, if you have a chance to go to Israel, go. One thing I want to encourage anyone who's listening to this is, if there's any part of you that feels drawn or even says man, i would love that. I would encourage you to ask God, like God, how can I?

Speaker 2:

How can I, and even for Trevor and I. You know, when Tiffany and Andy first reached out and invited us in, in that moment we were like you know what, i'm not sure if we can do this investment-wise, i'm not sure if we can do this time-wise with our kids. But there was something in my spirit where I'm like I've always we've talked about going, i want to go and you're like I want to go, and so in that moment we said two things. Well, first of all, we said God, we said you know, we want to do this, dad, we would love to do this. Can you make a way? Can you make a way for us?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And we decided together. We were going to say how can we, how can this be possible? And then we went before our father, we made a way And within a week or so we found out that we were going to get a tax return back that we were not expecting, come on, because we were going to pay it on taxes And that's the money that we used to go. And so I believe that can be anyone's story Just going before the father and asking and looking and being open for a way, because I believe God wants to get his kids over there. I really do.

Speaker 1:

Oh, he does, and he is such a good, good father And I don't want to use that term lightly We talk about, we sing that song, we talk about it, but he is. He is a good father. That's who he is And he cares for us And if that's a desire of your heart, he will make a way for you. He will, And so I'm believing it as well. If it's something that you've wanted to do, I'm going to. I'll be praying for you that it works out. I will, Because it do. You have to go, and will you make heaven if you do not attend?

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, You don't it's not a requirement, but it's just something that is a for me. I can speak for me. It was so huge from from my faith, getting to see it and getting to see so many what they would call like triple A. Sites Like these are like the 100% positive that Jesus would have walked right here where you're at was just so, so cool for me. But the coolest thing, and it's probably everybody's coolest thing, but there's so much to talk about. I was just walking through the tomb and guess what? everybody? it's still empty. It is still empty and it's because he's alive and well and he's alive for you.

Speaker 1:

So, if you're listening to this right now, if you've stumbled on this podcast for whatever reason you thought it was just about vacations or not going to Israel or whatever reason I want you to know that we serve a savior who not only took our place, right, he came and he lived a blameless life when, in all fairness, we all deserved death. We all deserve to die. That's what Roman says, right, we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We all had sinned, but he came, he lived a blameless life, took our place. I always compare it to going to a restaurant right And you're ordering everything off the menu. You're just having a great time.

Speaker 1:

But then it comes time to pay the bill and you don't have enough money. You do not. What do I do? I don't have enough. He walks up to the counter and he's like bam, it's paid for, it's done. So the wages of our sin is death. That's what the Bible says. The wages are payday for. Our sin is death. Jesus died for you, but it didn't end there. As I've already kind of spoiled it, the tomb is empty. He not only died, but he rose again so that you can have life, and you can have eternal life by believing in him. So I hope you take away if you take anything from this away, take away the fact that you have hope in our living Savior, jesus Christ. So, guys, thank you so much for jumping on board with me today with the podcast and just sharing a few thoughts that you've enjoyed. How can anyone who wants maybe they have more questions or they want to follow you or contact you, for whatever reason how can they follow up with you, guys?

Speaker 2:

Well, anyone can follow up with me Like. I'm on Facebook Instagram, annie Balman. You can find me. Trevor is on Facebook, trevor Balman. And yeah, we'd love to share or pray for you, like, we would love to pray for you if you didn't pray for anything, but yeah, anytime.

Speaker 1:

Well, it has been just. I've known you guys now for a few years and I feel like our relationship keeps getting stronger and stronger. but getting to spend 10 days with you in Israel was definitely a highlight of my life, And I feel like our friendship grew even more, And so I thank you guys for jumping on board with me today and just sharing your thoughts. But we'll catch up soon.

Speaker 2:

All right, bless you. Alliance strong.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're good. We're good. I don't care what the Frenchers say. Now, however, you know me and my ADD. I could be easily persuaded here in a few minutes, But hopefully I stay strong with you guys, my friends.

Speaker 2:

Thanks Andy.

Speaker 1:

Thanks, Andy. Bye guys. All right, you guys. So, without further ado, now I'm going to welcome my dear friends Matt and Stephanie Frenches, who you just heard a little bit about. They are in the Alliance. We did touch on that last segment, So they are in the Alliance.

Speaker 3:

And so.

Speaker 1:

I know the rest of the group is just now hearing about this, or some of them for the first time, so I don't know how they will respond to this. But first of all, matt and Stephanie, welcome to the When Words Don't Come Easy podcast. It's so good to have you guys.

Speaker 4:

So good to be here with you Love it And the Alliance is strong.

Speaker 1:

The Alliance is strong. I'm not going to say what Annie said about you guys. You'll have to wait till Annie.

Speaker 5:

I'm totally kidding.

Speaker 1:

I like to poke the bear.

Speaker 2:

So that's probably my fault.

Speaker 1:

So, but anyways, guys, we had a blast, absolutely blast, in Israel, and I'll just ask you, guys, the same thing as Trevor and Annie What was your biggest takeaway, what was the one thing that jumped out to you about the trip?

Speaker 4:

Let me go first.

Speaker 5:

You mean to Yeah, i'll go first. So, man, there were so many things about that trip. It seemed like every day it was just something new and it was multiple things than a day And it just it just kept hitting you in the face every day because it was just so good every time. And I think the day I think it was day two or day three when we were in Capernaum And that really messed with me up And I was having tears in my eyes pretty much that entire day It really hit home when we came upon the city of Capernaum and really were talking about that was where Jesus lived, that was where Jesus did all of his miracles, that's where he chose his disciples, the first few disciples, and I mean there were miracles and miracles, tons of them, being done there healing the lame, they lowered the cripple God through the roof.

Speaker 5:

They said the 5,000. They told I think it was Peter and then did castor nets on the other side of the boat, and I mean there was just so many things that happened there. When we were standing at one of the synagogues, i think it was, and kind of kind of overlooking the, the city there, and seeing all these different homes in there, you're just wondering, like which one did Jesus live in? Did he walk these streets, did he? you know, did he walk right where I'm standing at this moment?

Speaker 5:

And, man, that hit home just really hard at me and just really touched my heart. And you know, that was one of the places where, from what I understood like that's where a lot of the the everybody was talking about all the things that he was doing, all the parables that he was teaching, all the things he was talking about teaching these people and then healing people And then from there just spread like crazy. And it was just so awesome and humbling just to be there where he was at and really just feel like I could be literally standing where he was standing at that moment And in a curfew, if you don't know, kind of he's on the edge of the Sea of Galilee, which is just absolutely beautiful. It's just a really beautiful place And that was just an awesome experience to stand where a lot of those miracles were happening.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, and it's so good. This was wild, so I put this together today. This particular episode didn't talk to any of you about what you were talking about, and so far you've all mentioned the same place. No pressure stuff. I mean, y'all mentioned the exact same place, all three, and it's true, though there's so much to it. And, matt dude, you're a fellow fisherman So I know that probably drew through your heart there as well. But, stephanie, just to piggyback off that real quick, what Matt just mentioned, what I thought was cool, not only were you standing in the same place, but this has traveled, like when it's traveled 2000 years in time. But then how many, miles after miles after miles, has this story just kept going and keeps spreading? What was your big takeaway, stephanie? I know everyone has a different thing, that's kind of jumped out and got them, but for you, what was your big takeaway from the trip?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, i think the biggest moment that sticks out to me and it's hard, it's like picking between your children, and so it's so hard to do to pick your favorite moment, because every day, like you said, was just jam-packed full of these amazing experiences. And but if I think back, the first one that hits me is when we were on the boat ride at the Sea of Galilee And we are going I mean, i'm going to take us all back there for a minute, but we're going on the Sea of Galilee. It's this beautiful day And they start playing over the loudspeakers on this boat. Spirit lead me where my trust is, without borders, and we're all just staring off at this sea. And if you haven't been there, maybe you think like I did. I thought it was this huge sea And so I didn't realize. You can see all the board. It's like a large lake And so as we're on there, you look around And I'm just thanking God for just all the things he did, right there Like I said right where he was.

Speaker 4:

And you see, over there is where he, you know, preached to the 5000, and over here is where he cast out the demon And they went into the pigs.

Speaker 4:

And then, over here, something else And you, just so many things are just surrounding you as we're out on this water and the humbling and the humbling experience of it's like where my faith and reality just collided in that moment And it's just absolutely overwhelming what I've believed in, of course, my whole life, but it's been unseen And then, all of a sudden, for all those places to just be seen and me to experience them in real time. I was just weeping and I look over and everybody else on the boat is pretty much just weeping as well, And that moment to me is just I'll never forget it.

Speaker 1:

It was powerful And I want to be the first to say I'm the only one that was not weeping. No, i'm kidding, i was crying as well. You can't hide it.

Speaker 1:

It was a little dusty Even though I was outside. It was a little dusty on the boat for some reason. But it was just a powerful moment And it is something it's hard to explain until you've been there. That's what I was trying to say with Trevor and Annie last time as well. You don't have to go to Israel to have this experience. The Holy Spirit's alive and well. He'll help meet you anywhere you're at. Jesus will meet you anywhere, any place. But there's something special when you've grown up reading story after story and then all of a sudden you can visualize, actually see the place where Jesus was. It's just so cool. Another thing I asked them and I'd love your takeaways but kind of, what were your thoughts heading into the trip? Like, what were your own expectations? And then afterwards, did it change? Was it totally different than what you had anticipated? Kind of, what's your viewpoints on those two thoughts?

Speaker 5:

Let me go first. So when we first find out about this trip, i was scared to death. I do not like flying. Every time we talked about it's 10 hours and 14 hours and all these different hours.

Speaker 5:

I was sitting there going. I can barely fly for work purposes And it's usually like a two hour flight. It's miserable for me. So I was just thinking like how are we going to get out of this? How do I? And I realized like I'm trying to get out of going to one of the most amazing places on the planet because of fear, and I really felt like the devil was really just jacking with me, like my anxiety was just so high about this trip. It was really jacking me up And I just kept praying about it.

Speaker 5:

I had her praying for me, just like you know, don't let myself in my own stuff I'm dealing with keep me from. experiencing was probably one of the most life changing things that I've ever been on. Like it, literally, it's just kind of opened my mind And I'm a very visual person in seeing these places And then reading about it. Just, i mean it's like, it's like going from a black and white movie to now full color. I mean it, just it, and I would have completely regretted if I let myself, you know, panic and not get on that.

Speaker 4:

Let's just keep this straight. I would have gone with or without it. Okay, I was like nothing's keeping me Stephanie was going.

Speaker 1:

We just didn't know who your plus one was going to be.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Who was my plus one? That's right.

Speaker 1:

Wow, well, i love that and I'll let Stephanie give her her version and her answer to that, but I do want to challenge you. So, now that you overcame the any experience, if there's someone here because anxiety, man, it's, it's something that's going rampant across not just us, it's across the world If someone just stumbled upon this podcast for whatever reason, and and then I'm like wow, matt, thanks for sharing. I struggle with anxiety, you know, just in my day to day living. What kind of gosh, i don't know what. What kind of tips or what would you just share with them about doing something that may be scary at first? What would you say to them? You?

Speaker 5:

know, I haven't really thought of it like that, but I think you are talking specifically about this trip specifically. I'm just talking about anxiety and generalize.

Speaker 1:

Oh, now that you you overcame an obstacle of your anxiety and we've talked before, so I know a little bit more of your history than the rest of the viewers may, but I would just love to hear your your takeaway on anxiety and general and what happens when you overcome it and you push through.

Speaker 5:

I feel like this past year would work and changes in life and stuff that we've had going on. I have been stretched a ton. There's been a lot of things that's been asked of me work wise and different things. that has just stretched me. And you know, i think a lot of that was in preparation for this trip. I really do, and it's kind of weird how God kind of worked that out. You know, i was flying more than I've ever had to fly for work, which had helped a lot.

Speaker 5:

But I think deep down inside, like I think you know, the devil really uses anxiety a lot because there's so many things that you could be missing out on. you know, or or God has a plan for someone and he wants you to be a part of it, and there's that trust issue with it and trusting God that he's going to take care of you. I mean there was when we were over there and there's where there's, time after time after time, that he was just showing that people, the people that had faith, he took care of whatever it was. He healed me, calm storms, he did all kinds of stuff And having that ability to fully put your trust in him that he's going to take care of you as humans and especially maybe.

Speaker 5:

God we just like we want that controls. Yeah, hard to let that go. And I think, as you start giving up a little bit and he shows, shows that he's faithful to taking care of you, i think you'd give a little bit more and a little bit more. And it's getting easier and easier, But by all means I am not a hundred percent cured from this. But yeah, I have seen a huge change in myself over the last year, and especially since this trip. it has just definitely helped me a lot.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, i've seen it too, bro, I have. And there's so many things, and I wrote about it in the book. I talk about all the cool things that happen on the other side of fear, and I do believe, without a shadow of a doubt, that the there is an enemy They're the devil would love nothing more than to rob you of everything. I mean John 10, 10 says it all. You know he's come to steal, kill and destroy you, and that's his goal, right. It's to keep you from experiencing true beauty and true life, life to the fullest, as Stephanie as well. So that same answer what were your expectations? Sounds like you were going, no matter what you were excited about the trip.

Speaker 4:

I'm all in kind of person. That's why we need each other. Yeah, yeah, we need each other.

Speaker 1:

What was your big takeaway? Was it did your expectations me? Was it even greater than what you plan? What was the takeaway after it was done versus on the way over?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, i think my expectations were high but exceeded anything that I could have ever imagined. I already knew was going to be incredible, but there were just a few things that that really shocked me. And I think the biggest thing that has shocked me is not even the experience while we were there as much as how much it has made the Bible and my relationship with the Lord just up a huge notch since I've gotten home, because now I go into my normal prayer time or I go into a Bible study and normally I'm just reading these words and now they're jumping off the pages.

Speaker 4:

Every time I see these locations, it's oh my gosh, we were there, I really know what that was like.

Speaker 4:

And you just don't know until you see, and just how they lived. So all these parables and these you know stories that he uses, they all come alive. It's like I have seen exactly how they lived and so it just makes a lot more sense. So I think the revelation, since we've been home, of when I'm in the word has blown my mind, and then just the experience as a whole being there was far above what I could have ever experienced. And now I come home and everybody I see I'm like get to Israel, get Israel, get to Israel, give up what you got to give up, give up other trips with your family. I'm telling you, especially you guys taking your children. That's my next goal, like that's what.

Speaker 1:

I want to do.

Speaker 4:

Let's save up the kids, because how amazing for them.

Speaker 1:

Our girls are still talking about it and they absolutely loved it. I didn't know, and both are 10. Course, peyton stayed back, but the twins went and they I mean I didn't know how they would do it. So it's a very hard. For those who have never been to Israel, it's not a, it's not a vacation, it's not a lounge and relax. I mean it's very tough 10 days. We had early starts and we stayed out late, trying to get just as much in as we could, and so by the end of those 10 days I there were some days where I was tired and I looked up my girls were still going strong. So I'm so proud of them.

Speaker 4:

They were incredible.

Speaker 1:

Incredible. Well, in closing, is anything on your heart that, uh, whether it's a about the trip or not, but just anything that you would love to share. Uh, maybe it is about the trip, maybe it's just something God's putting on your heart right now.

Speaker 4:

I, if I can go first this time, i'm just kidding Um, i feel like, and when we went to the the welling wall and the, the Jewish people and, um, you just see them all out there just praying, i mean at 24 hours a day.

Speaker 4:

I mean there are people there just just praying and, um, you see the customs and the traditions and and the religion and then us as Christians, um, you see how easy we have it as in like, we're not, as you know, works based and things like that, and I think that we get lacks in our, in our relationship, and I think, wow, look at these people and how much they pray and how much they give in there.

Speaker 4:

It's trying to get to God, trying to get to God, trying to get to God, and I was just so broken as in I have access to him in 2017. I don't have to get me and go to a wall where I think, in a no disrespect, i, i'm just saying I don't. I don't have to go to a specific place for him to be right here. Like you were saying, andy, the Holy Spirit's accessible to us 24 seven, but how often do we go to him? and we, um, you know, it just challenged me. In my own prayer life and in my time with him, i think that since it's so easy for us, we take it for granted.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it challenged me on my just passion for him and knowing him more and just my relationship with him. because, wow, if they can do all these things like and I have free access 24 seven, why am I not going to that more often?

Speaker 1:

so Love it. How about you Matt anything on your heart?

Speaker 5:

Um, i think so. I was just thinking about this right now, so I see how rough this comes out. But, man, i go back to the pernium, yeah, and I really just how that, how the things about Jesus was spread so fast, and I just feel like it's a challenge. You know, when's the last time that we've told someone in a grocery store or at the movies or at the gas station about the Lord, what he's done good in your life?

Speaker 5:

and to me just seeing how that spread. If the people today as Christians, if we're not doing it like the people that have seen because we've experienced Lord, yeah, i know so many of us, we, us personally have, you have, and a lot of our friends, you know that we went on the trip with and if we're not talking about did not necessarily, did not necessarily trip, just the stuff the Lord has done for us, yeah, that that story that's lasted thousands and thousands of years. If, if we aren't the ones that are keeping that story going, it's just gonna slowly dissipate. And so it challenged me to not take opportunities for granted and ask the Lord to give me opportunities to really small things. It could be saying small things to someone that could make a difference in them going to hell or heaven, and it just challenges me to seize any moments or opportunities that I get.

Speaker 1:

That's so good. I do often think of of that. What if? what if we were the ones, the disciples, the originals, right, um, what a what an opportunity they had, but they delivered. I mean, there's so many times where they failed and we I relate to Peter so much. You know he lost his, he had anger issues, all the things. He was the first one to jump out of the boat and then then he, you know, started sinking, so many different things. But then you look 2000 years later and the story is still going strong. And what if it was us there? what would people now know the story? or what I know, god would have used whoever he had to use to get the story out. I know, but what a huge deal that was, and so I'm grateful. Now. Now we're talking about the next generation, our kids, our kids kids. Well, they know the story and it comes down to all of us living that out. That's very good, man.

Speaker 1:

Well, dudes, dudes, guys, dudes and dudes, and guys and gals. Matt and Steph, i've enjoyed having you on and you know what I I need to. Both of you have tremendous stories, but we need to just share your story sometime on on a just a regular note. Both have overcome so much in your lives. If there's anybody, who's uh, who's listening, and how can they connect or follow you? I know you're both on social media. Matt is I made a joke about it earlier but is a big time fisherman, so for all you fishermen out there, you can follow his, his adventures. But also, stephanie, how can? if there's any ladies or people who want to hear more from you and have questions, how can they follow you guys?

Speaker 5:

yeah, matt, you go first um, i have Instagram as well as Facebook and uh definitely can follow along there or reach out to me. Uh slide in my dms or it's that uh, matt I just go for interest.

Speaker 4:

And then, and it's with one team, one team, one team at yes, yeah yeah, and I'm just but Stephanie frindress just yeah, easy to find you well, that's the.

Speaker 1:

I just want to go on record and say that's the first time in the history of the podcast that someone has said slide into my dms. So, so well played, man of course it's that.

Speaker 5:

I love it anyways yeah, i love you guys so much.

Speaker 1:

This has been fun and, uh, we will do it again, but thanks so much for jumping on and we'll connect soon thank you for having us all right thank you all. Right bye, guys. Thanks so much for tuning in. If this episode helped you in any way, it would mean the world to me if you would leave a review and share it with somebody else. Thanks so much. I'll catch you next time you.