When Words Don't Come Easy
When Words Don't Come Easy
Love, Laughter, and Faith: A 20-Year Marriage Anniversary Special with Tiffany Howard
Can you believe it's been 20 years since Tiffany and I said "I do"?
Join us as we take a trip down memory lane, reliving all the joys, challenges, and hilarious moments that have come with two decades of marriage. We'll share some of our wildest stories, like the time we faced a giant snake on our front porch - trust us, you won't want to miss this!
But it's not all just fun stories - in this heartwarming episode, we also explore the power of prayer and the role faith has played in our love story. From a chance meeting at a Christian concert, to the incredible ways Tiffany's mother's prayers were answered, we'll remind you that sometimes true love comes when you least expect it.
Whether you're a marriage veteran or just starting out, you'll find laughter, inspiration, and maybe even some advice in our celebration of 20 amazing years together.
Plus, tune in next week as Tiffany and I dive deeper into hope in marriage and life.
Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @AndyBHoward
Buy the book on Amazon: www.amazon.com/When-Words-Dont-Come-Easy/dp/1955362084
Listen to the first chapter: soundcloud.com/andy-howard-788712319
Learn more at AndyHoward.com!
What's up everybody.
Speaker 1:I hope you will join us today as we go back in history. It's 20 years of history. My wife Tiffany joins me, always honored and excited to have her with me. We're gonna share some tears, maybe some laughs, just a lot of memories of the last 20 years. This year, this week, we hit the big 20 year milestone with our marriage. I just wanted to celebrate with you guys and just talk about some of the pros and more pros than kinds of marriage, so I hope you would join us and enjoy this episode, all that and more happening right after this. What's up everybody.
Speaker 1:Welcome to the Win Words Don't Come Easy Podcast. I am your host, andy Howard. I'm so excited to be back with you, and you know what. This is a very special episode. In fact, this one's gonna be one of those that I really don't know how it's gonna go. There is no plan for this one other than the fact that this is 20 years, you guys. So before I get ahead of myself, let me just go ahead and bring on my special guest. You know her, you love her. It's the very on, or my very own, our very own, i don't know. Let's just bring on Miss Tiffany Howard.
Speaker 2:Well, I'm glad to be here. Yes, we do not know how this is gonna Well, it's gonna be awesome because it's that.
Speaker 1:Oh, it's gonna be amazing, but there's really no plan. It's kind of like Seinfeld It's a show about nothing and this will be a show about nothing, but it will be amazing. It will be. This week was very huge for us. A couple of days ago, 20 years of marriage we are celebrating Gosh, there was probably days for you. Oh, you didn't imagine being married to me for 20. I'm kidding, i hope.
Speaker 2:No, i did, I know I will. I will say that I don't know about anyone listening if you've been married as long as we have, but I remember we first got together and his brother and his sister and sister-in-law had been married like I don't know. They're probably like 15 years or something, and I thought they're ancient. And now here we are at 20 years. So I think we're ancient.
Speaker 1:Well, we are not ancient, but they are, and that's what's wild How that happens the older we get, the younger we get, but everyone else keeps aging, totally being silly. But anyway, it's going to be a fun episode. What we're going to do, it's going to be a two-parter, so you'll have to come back next week to hear the rest of it the rest of the story, as they say, but this particular one. There's going to be a lot of trips down memory lane. So we're just going to go and have fun with some of our highlights, or even lowlights, of the first 20 years, and then some things that we've learned along the way. But next episode as well, we are going to focus more on actual tips on marriage, because one thing you may not be aware of, tiff and I, we used to serve as marriage ministers, i guess you'd call it, or we led a marriage ministry at a church for the last two or three years of our ministry, and so it's something that's very important to both of us, and so we did learn a couple of things along the way that we would love to share with you. But today we're just going to have some fun.
Speaker 1:In fact, tiff, i was thinking about 20 years ago this week And it seems part of it just seemed like it's gone so fast. It really does. But 20 years ago this week I went to the bank and took out all my money, everything I had, which back then I thought I was filthy rich Because it was funny. Compared to now I didn't have anything. But also compared to a few years into marriage, at that time I was filthy rich because I didn't have you. Oh, thank you. Oh, my love. No, i'm kidding, i was a single dude who didn't need much.
Speaker 2:And you didn't have any bills because you live with your mama.
Speaker 1:I live with my mama in the basement and with holler for meatloaf, and that's a reference that you either know or you don't. But anyways, yes I, i had a pretty good looking back. So, anyways, i took all my money out. I'll never forget. I went, and it wasn't a whole lot back then, but I don't know, maybe two or $3,000, whatever I had saved up.
Speaker 1:And the ladies, i don't know what you're doing, where are you going? I guess that wasn't enough to ask questions. So I told her oh, i'm getting married on Saturday. Oh, that's great. Well, where are you guys headed? I said we're going to San Antonio. Oh, we love San Antonio.
Speaker 1:What hotel are you staying at? We are staying at the Emily Morgan. Oh, that's a fascinating hotel, it's haunted. And I was like, wow, like something. You just. I mean, i know some people are not very good at small talk, but that's not something I would have brought up within the first. You know, i guess, when you're just trying to get through the day as a bank teller, you just talk about anything. So I was like, oh well, i just kind of took it and left it, cause I was like you know, whatever, she's kind of crazy. I don't believe in that stuff. So fast forward, we get married. Took the. It's about five hours from where we live to San Antonio. I know everyone's thanks. Everyone knows everybody in Texas, but Texas is a pretty big place, so it was about five hour drive. We got there just in time Cause I think we had to be there by midnight. I guess I had a weird rules back then.
Speaker 2:Nowadays They don't really care when you come, i don't know if you're going to say this, so I'm going to tell you We got our first spat on the hunt. Okay, let's lead dated. For how many years did we date?
Speaker 1:Three years? Yeah, at least probably three, maybe more.
Speaker 2:So you were probably going to fight right now. We had listen. No, we had had some spats over those four years. but on the way to San Antonio we were so stressed because we had to be there by midnight. And one thing about my dear husband I love him and it's endearing, and all the things that he has not good at directions He gets lost in the park.
Speaker 1:Let's take. Let's take us back to 20 years ago, when I had about 39 sheets of paper from maps quest that they gave me to get to this location.
Speaker 2:That is very true, and we ended up down to the wire We like five minutes until midnight and we went in the wrong direction, into a very unsanitary. It was shady shady.
Speaker 1:San Antonio is what we stumbled into at first. So anyways, but yeah, thank God for whoever came up with these little fancy digital maps that we all have nowadays or at least I do, cause I still can't find Walmart or whatever. I don't know what I'm looking for.
Speaker 2:It saved a lot of marriages, i have a feeling, cause it has.
Speaker 1:So yes, our first first fight after marriage was cause I couldn't find our hotel. Anyways, i don't even remember that. That's so funny. So I'm glad you remember that. But so we got there and I had got a very nice room. I saved up. I am a romantic, believe it or not. For those who don't know, i now I have drawn the line at Hallmark. I hate Christmas season when all the hallmark movies and I can tell you exactly how it's going to end, how it starts, and about the guy that comes back to town who marries the daughter of the big nevermind, moving on.
Speaker 2:I will say I don't have a romantic bone in my body Andy has that but I do love homework movies, only So we're the opposite there.
Speaker 1:But so I had got the this at the time nicest room we could ever dream of having, and I I'll tell you this now, cause it leads to another part of the story. But I ordered, like this romance package I think it was like a strawberry chocolate covered strawberries, and so that was part of it, and they were out on the bed and stuff as we walk in. So cool, cause later you find out, i thought that meant I looked up and there was all these snicker bars and Skittles and I thought, man, they really outdid themselves And so this was really cool. I'll go ahead and tell you now This is going to be a long story, but hey, just just buckle up. So at the time we were not living our best healthy life, right, it led to the worst shape of my life.
Speaker 2:So that just tells you that Andy is such a good guy cause he married me at like 300 pounds. I tell him all the time you listen you got the good end of the package. now I'm way better than I was 20 years ago.
Speaker 1:Well, he have always been gorgeous and you still are. But so what was magical about this place is, every time I ate a snickers bar, it refilled. the next day I was like this is awesome. I ripped them off. I ordered like 12 of the chocolate strawberries and they kept refilling my snicker bars. So I thought I was just totally and so, remember, we didn't have a whole lot of money, but anyways they were very dumb on hotels at the time.
Speaker 1:Looking back, we got to pay our bill at the very end and found out that it was, I don't know, gosh 100, 200 bucks worth of like candy bars that we had, Or I. I think at eight I'm sure I was in that, I was in on that. That was horrible.
Speaker 2:And we were like, Oh, we didn't know about mini bars and snack charges. And I mean that was like devastating. Back to the funny part.
Speaker 1:So if you remember, the hotel is haunted, supposedly because it's a haunted, supposedly because it was right next door the Emily Morgan, for anyone who's ever been to San Antonio right next door to the famous Alamo, and so they said. In fact, at that time the bank teller had told me that it was used as a hospital for some of the soldiers and things that lost their lives and even whatever during that time period. So that's why they thought it was haunted. Whether it is or not, i couldn't tell you that part, but what I can tell you is we got there just before midnight.
Speaker 1:We're walking into this beautiful room something that a boy from a town of 600 people with one blinking light and one donut station in the whole town. I saw this room and I was like wow, this was so cool. So I'm walking around checking it out. It's like a suite, it's very big. So as I'm walking through all the, because it had sliding doors that kept leading to a sitting area, and then there was the extra big bathroom area and jacuzzi and all this cool stuff, and so as I'm walking through, all of a sudden the lights start flickering and my heart starts pounding.
Speaker 1:I mean literally like you got to be kidding me. I got the haunted suite and I come running out and Tiff is like what's this button do What's this button? She's like switching all that because there was a wall of all these light switches. So thank God it wasn't haunted, it was just my lovely wife.
Speaker 2:I was the ghost, i was the ghost.
Speaker 1:It was fun, though, so much fun.
Speaker 2:It was fun And we got to go back there. If you follow us on Instagram, you may have saw, but we went back there Two weeks ago for our daughter's cheer competition. We've only been back there a couple of times in 20 years because you know again, people think Texas is like you know most states you can drive like clear across the state in five minutes, but in Texas it's like three states in one, so we really don't ever go down there. But we went down there and we were walking on the riverwalk and literally I was like, oh my gosh, like 20 years ago this month we were here on our honeymoon And, side note, i'm super proud because we took a picture there and I was as big as literally people have pointed out. You go look at my Instagram but we had taken a picture in front of a I don't know, it's like a boulder thing that was holding up the.
Speaker 1:Columns. They're like small little. they're not the full size columns but they're like fence size height columns, but they had chain connecting them. It's pretty right on the riverwalk, but anyway, just keep.
Speaker 2:But you could see. so I did a picture of me and my honeymoon right there and we were walking about and I'm like, oh my gosh, like I have this picture. So we retook the picture and all of a sudden the column looked way bigger, because I have gotten way smaller in 20 years. So thank you, jesus, for that. So that was a good memory for me, because I needed to redo on that picture. I keep saying I need to redo on my marriage. Well, not my marriage, i don't mean my marriage.
Speaker 2:So I have to edit that out. I was 28 on my wedding, So we had to. we need to at least get me a new wedding dress and take a picture of it.
Speaker 1:Okay, so that's different. Okay, we could do that. Well, there was yes, he made me a little nervous there. I didn't know this was that episode. Well, moving on, there's a couple other funny stories that I thought about just briefly before we jumped on here.
Speaker 1:So I don't know if you remember this, but it was a Wednesday night. We were youth pastors, our first home. Looking back, we were so blessed, right, this former minister of the area, and he was living out of town at the time, but he still owned a home there And he was having, like, every once while, just because it was an empty home, it would get vandalized and things, and so he was more than happy to have us live in it And the rent was like dirt cheap. Looking back, we were so blessed, yes, yes, and we didn't even realize how good we had it then. But so, anyways, I digress, but it's not in the middle of the country. And so we come home one Wednesday night after service, you were in your car and you were ahead of me, which was a miracle, because as I pulled in this windy driveway out in the country, out in the sticks, With no outside lights.
Speaker 2:my music car No lights.
Speaker 1:I pulled up close and, as I did, you were just reaching the porch and there was the longest, giant, most gigantic snake I had ever seen in my life and you saw it, because you wouldn't have seen it, you would have walked right into it. So once again, i saved. You Don't know if you realize such a hero, but that's not even the funny part. So you're screaming, which was probably enough to terrify it, and you ran back to me. It's glad that I could be there for you, love, and so me being the man of the house, what I did, what any good man of the house would do I didn't have any guns at the time was not a gun person Most city slicker country guy you ever meet, by the way.
Speaker 1:I just wasn't really against guns, i just never had guns, anyways. But what I have in our little shed, that was right outside, i had a weed eater and she's like what are you going to do with that? And I was like I'm going to bite him to the death with a weed eater. So, anyway, i cranked it up and it's running and I'm going towards him and I'm praying the whole time. I hope he's going by the time I get to you.
Speaker 2:I do So. I know it took me like five minutes to start this weed eater, which led to what's about to happen.
Speaker 1:So yes, by the time I got there he was low and gone. But thank God, because I don't know what I would have did Had he still been there. I don't know, I wouldn't have been there as mainly, but I was able to say it's all good honey, Snakes gone, You can enter the home.
Speaker 2:Well, okay. So now that we're at that house, y'all we got, so all me in the stories we could tell it. So we're, we will not keep on stories, but one the armadillos we saw there. I saw armadillo just the other day in the middle of the city walking across the street in daylight, which was so random, and I haven't seen an armadillo since. We lived on that property and we'd go outside and they were always outside on our property at night, which was crazy, but I have to say this. So if any of you that are old enough, i remember 20 years ago there was a show called color splash and it's like where people switched houses and decorated each other.
Speaker 1:We saw the color splash guy at Disney once. He's my favorite.
Speaker 2:I don't remember his name, but he's a Disney fanatic like me, and so he even has Disney tattoos. He, like has my heart for that.
Speaker 1:But anyways I digress.
Speaker 2:We loved that show and on the show one time okay, how was this ever cool and how was that ever dumb enough to do this Or even think it would be neat? but in our living room we did black and white and, oh y'all, this house was so old I mean, we had the oldest carpet. It was so old. But I was trying to make it nice on a budget and on the show they took a clear glass vase and Oh, so it was hard boiled eggs in it for decor with these black sticks.
Speaker 1:It looked very cool.
Speaker 2:Well, I mean back in the time It did look cool.
Speaker 1:Who did?
Speaker 2:that And on the show it was either hard boiled eggs that threw away immediately after the video or they were fake eggs. Well, i didn't think about that, i mean. I learned this hard All of a sudden one day I don't even know how long later we smelled something and I found something.
Speaker 1:We smell what death probably smells like. I mean, it was the worst smell.
Speaker 2:And we, the eggs were hard boiled and they turned into. We went over and went to look and there was maggots all in there. It was horrible. What it? Who ever? Why did they give a disclaimer on that TV show that do not use her bold eggs for decor? Like, and I know you are thinking, why was she so dumb to do that? Why didn't?
Speaker 1:she know. But, I guess we didn't know that, and that's how marriage is. There's a lot of things you just don't know until you do it Right.
Speaker 2:Before we got married, you think we would know each other, but when you have someone, it's very different. Oh my gosh, we have to tell the story. I want to go back and tell them how we even met, but on our honeymoon. okay, y'all that this house has so many memories because we get home from our honeymoon.
Speaker 1:This was classic.
Speaker 2:So we get home from our honeymoon and my mom and dad had moved like a mattress in We were so poor had moved a mattress and we didn't even have a frame for it yet. I was on the floor and so the first night in our house where, like a sleep in the bed, all of a sudden we wake up and there is no electricity, like it's hot.
Speaker 1:And it was so deathly quiet. No, that's why I woke up. So I knew, because, as long as I can remember, even to this day, you always have to have a fan on and are so loud.
Speaker 1:That was always a hard adjustment for me. To even try to sleep is because you always have to have some kind of white noise going. So it got so quiet And it was so sticky hot, because here in Texas it only gets like a bit of zillion degrees by then. This was early June because we had left, we got married on the 24th and went to honeymoon, came back, so this is the first of June, so in Texas very hot, so carry on And now we're in like the middle of probably.
Speaker 2:we probably had like 50 acres of land. I mean we're in the middle of nowhere.
Speaker 1:And you've never seen the Texas chainsaw massacre. It looks a lot like that.
Speaker 2:And that was what was going on. One and he said And so all of a sudden we're like well, we have to go down the hall to figure out what is going on. What it what here? Here's what I learned, andy, already four years of dating, never knew this. Here we go. What does he do? He gets behind me and he's letting me lead the way down the hall, i guess because he thought someone's going to die. They're going to get me first. No, he hid behind me all the way to fairness.
Speaker 1:Looking back, I believe what usually happens is they come up and sneak up on you from behind. Oh, is that what happened, and so I wanted to protect you. But I, in seriousness, what happened was? I told you this because I woke you up, because for some reason you were still sleeping fine, or at least faking it.
Speaker 2:Why do you bother me? I've been good.
Speaker 1:I woke you up to let you know the first thing could. I had seen too many scary movies as a kid by myself. Obviously, my parents never watched scary movies, but the first thing they did when they were going like the bad guy was coming to kill you. He would kill the electricity. Like how that wouldn't have happened. right, tim, they're here. The electricity is gone. It was getting hot. There was no. they're here to get us, and so I was terrified. Yes, i may have chickened out and hid behind you as we went to look for the bike.
Speaker 2:And that's when I became a gun person right away, because I thought Andy is not going to help, so we need some guns. We in Texas, we actually didn't get on right then, but we know our gun owners, But I digress. But I will say well, we found out the next day when the electric company came out, was that a squirrel had pretty much flying squirrel flying squirrel had flown in to the electrical.
Speaker 1:There's just like little spring fuse that I didn't know this, but it's literally only that big If you can see, if you're watching, if you're listening to the audio. You need to watch on YouTube for this one, but it's that big, it's gosh, i don't know. Maybe five inches, literally five to six inches. So he had to hit it perfectly, but anyways, he was dead. The next day when they came, he was fried, he was still stuck on the electrical line, which is what's crazy.
Speaker 2:And he is.
Speaker 1:So anyway, yes, but I survived. So many good stories to look back on. So many highs, so many lows, some positive ones. I don't know if you remember this.
Speaker 2:Oh, go ahead.
Speaker 1:But when we went to church one time and we were about this point, this was many years later, so we were already in 40 at this time But didn't have any money. I went very heavy to service and needed like 497 bucks, if I remember right. It was a lot of money, but it was that specific, had to have it, had no other sources. We had tried every source, no possible way of coming up with this money, and so I was down to well, tomorrow we lose our home. Basically is what I felt like So and so you're trying to focus on God, but it's very heavy.
Speaker 1:And I remember a family there in the church who the student walks up and he shook my hand and I felt something, but he had gave me a check for $500, which, looking back, and so now we try to pay that for, because I remember so many moments like that Sometimes it wasn't always 500. Sometimes it was 100. Sometimes it was 20 bucks But so many times like that where people have just looked out for us and taken care of us, and so now it is fun being able to do that when you feel the Holy Spirit lead you to help somebody.
Speaker 2:Yeah, god is always taking care of us And I think a lot of times when you come into marriage you don't know what's coming. You know when you get married on your wedding day. I mean you say for better or for worse, but honestly in your head you're thinking for better, like you're just thinking. I mean how many people get married thinking that anything bad is going to happen or that it's going to be hard? I mean we all have rose colored glasses And so you know we had no idea what was coming in those 20 years. But I look back and God has been so faithful Like he has never, ever let us down. We've had to do our part.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he's been so faithful through it all And I would love to share just kind of how we met, because I do think that helps with our story But and it honestly shows the power of prayer too. And so I want to say this I told Andy that you know we are actually our twins are 10. And we are worried about not worried, but you know the dating phase will be coming at some point, i mean even now one of them is 10 going on 30 and one's 10 going on like negative 10.
Speaker 1:I don't know how you said it, but she's fine, just which is awesome.
Speaker 2:And then with my man, daddy.
Speaker 1:She is fine with just being a child, a kid She does not want to grow up. The other one is like when can I move out? Like when do I get to start driving? Like when do I leave? Like she's ready, So I don't know.
Speaker 2:I think Jesus is so he's so good to us in that, because if I just the one that wanted to move out already, i'm like, oh my gosh, my heart can't take it.
Speaker 1:I mean, i know I have one, she's just independent And in fact I told Tiff the other day and she was like I know, but she is so much like Tiff, she's like, she looks just like me.
Speaker 2:Not really, she acts just like your mother, yeah.
Speaker 2:But I want to give you hope for those of you who are in the dating phase, because we are, you know, nervously anticipating. I mean, we homeschool our kids so they don't have. They don't have options for boys, and I'm just kidding, that's not why, but I'm very thankful for that. They're not surrounded by boys all the time They can. They can be cute online or whatever.
Speaker 2:But One thing I was thinking of when I was thinking about our marriage and how we met, I remember my mom. My mom told me she said, from the day she found out that she was pregnant with me, she prayed three things every single day, and they were that one would have straight hair, because my mom had very curly hair that she hated, which I know. These are like these are small and seemingly unimportant things, but that's how much like that's all about Jesus is that he cares for the things we care for, even if they seem so material or not Important. But she didn't want me to have to deal with blow-dry my hair all the time Like she did, and she prayed that I have my daddy's nose because she hated my dad.
Speaker 2:I, she hated her nose and she prayed that I would meet my husband younger so that she would, i would not have to go through the heartbreaks and I would find a godly man early on, because my mom faced a lot of heartache with men before my daddy and Literally God did all three of those, and so when I was born I had straight hair my dad's nose So she got to stop praying for that, but she continued to pray for my spouse, and so I just want you guys to know that, as you're going into the dating phase, that God has your kids your kids are going through the Dating yeah, what did I say?
Speaker 1:I mean well, as you're going through the dating phase.
Speaker 2:Yeah, getting ready. You know, i know in this world It's, it's scary. We worry about, you know, the godly like how many godly kids are left for our children. But I love that Jesus has our kids and that our prayers matter and my mom prayed that every day and when Andy and I met, we'll take you back on that.
Speaker 2:I was not living for Jesus at all, was young and I was, honestly, i was running from God, i was being super rebellious and I look at it now I'm like how did my parents ever put up with me? But I was listening. I mean, i was listening to Marilyn Manson, i was listening to nine-inch nails, like all these hardcore things, honestly trying to find my identity. I didn't feel like I fit in anywhere. I'd struggle with weight and I there was a group of kids at my school and that's. They were like the you know Marilyn Manson kids and I fit in with them because they accepted me and I was doing those things and just running from the Lord.
Speaker 2:And then in comes Andy, i, my best friend that I'd live with next door my whole life had moved, actually to the town Andy lived in and her dad was Andy's worship pastor and his church, and so she just said, hey, you want to come down for a week, you know for summer. And I said, sure, and I was supposed to go. I'm on a Friday and I'll never forget. She said, hey, do you want to stay? tomorrow We're supposed to go to this Christian concert.
Speaker 2:If you're familiar with Dallas, there's a concert It's called celebrate freedom. Every year It's literally a hundred thousand people coming gather for this concert outside in a hundred degree heat. They really should change the month of this. But she said, you want to go? and I was like, sure, i didn't listen to Christian music. But I was like, hey, just not have to go home. And That morning I show up and I get on the church bus I didn't know anyone Except her, really and I set my headphones in and, as we're going to all these Christian concert people, i'm listening to non-inch nails of my headphones and then up comes this crazy, passionate for Christ young man that started challenge recommend this As the way to witness to people.
Speaker 1:But I don't know what it was. I think I was already mad at her because she tried to get me kicked off my bus, like I was the guy like in that youth group. I was the guy Right, or at least that's what I felt like, and so I was one of the leaders and I was like who is this visitor trying to get me kicked off my church bus? but anyways, so I was a little ticked off but I was like what are you listening to? and I was kind of being somewhat funny, i thought. But it came across, mary one. It came And judgmental, i thought you say profound is what you said one day. You thought I quoted it, you thought I made it up.
Speaker 2:After when she started talking to me. So basically he said what are you listening to? and I said not inch nails. And well, he didn't listen to, not inch nails. They started quoting a song if you've been a Christian, bring link the time. And no, stephen Curtis Chapman. There's a song called what about the change, and it talks about saying you're a Christian but not living a life Of being a Christian, and he was quoting these lyrics. Well, i thought he had brought. I mean, i literally thought he was just saying these things. I had no idea he was quoting a song, so I did think he was pretty.
Speaker 2:Yes, thank you, stephen. You like literally what led to me and a dating. And so that day but it was truly because of Amy's faith That day we ended up talking the entire like I mean it was over 12 hours. We were together, we stuck, we were outside all day, but we just talked about Jesus and it was his, his Passionate faith in Jesus, and not being ashamed. I'd never seen someone as a teenager We so unashamed for Christ because so many wanted to fit in, and it was that that led me the next day to Dedicating my life to Jesus and never turning back, but on the bus on my way home and I am not kidding you I remember my head saying I will marry this guy one day. I was young, i was dumb, but I believed that and it worked out it did very much work out, and we have had some ups and downs.
Speaker 1:It's the reason this whole podcast is created, so you've already heard both our stories. So with that, though, we are going to transition into some topics of hope. So what I'm gonna tell you, though, is you have to tune in next week for part two of the 20-year Anniversary edition of miss Tiffany and Andy on the when words don't come easy podcast. Thanks so much, guys. Wow, that was exciting. Always love having Tiffany on with me for these, these podcasts, and just doing life with her in general. Such a godsend. So thanks for doing that. Love always love reminiscing, and wow, 20 years. Where did the time go?
Speaker 1:I Hope you enjoyed this podcast. If it's been a blessing, as always, please share with somebody. Give me a five-star review. I would be so grateful for that on the podcast. That will help get this podcast out to more feeds and more people, and if you haven't got the book yet, when words don't come easy is available at Andy. Howard calm Has all the links there. You can get it on Amazon audible or Kindle as well. Always so good having you on with me on this podcast. I hope it's a blessing to you and we will talk to you soon. Take care, everybody. Thanks so much for tuning in. If this episode helped you in any way, it would mean the world to me if you would leave a review and share it with somebody else. Thanks so much. I'll catch you next time.