When Words Don't Come Easy
When Words Don't Come Easy
Hot Take: We Have an Opinion Problem
On today's show, I've got some hot takes for you on the great opinion problem in our culture.
We see it in sports.
→ "Who's the greatest of all time? MJ or LeBron?!"
→ "Why do athletes get paid so much?"
→ "These guys are terrible role models!"
We see it with church folks.
→ "That church is too big to be the real-deal. They're just a show."
→ "Smoke, lights, and loud music don't belong in church service!"
→ "Pastors today just have big egos."
...and it's ripping us apart.
So here are my *hot takes* on the problem with chucking opinions at each other like grenades. And what we should do instead.
Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @AndyBHoward
Buy the book on Amazon: www.amazon.com/When-Words-Dont-Come-Easy/dp/1955362084
Listen to the first chapter: soundcloud.com/andy-howard-788712319
Learn more at AndyHoward.com!